Having this information BEFORE coming off psych drugs might actually help one heal enough to not do as much damage in that process. I don't know this for certain but I intuit that it's likely. Healing the gut also helps heal the psyche in general for folks who've not started taking psych meds. This is something I know. -- Biofilms are likely implicated in all the chronic illnesses that I've found those of us with protracted withdrawal issues have in common. That includes chronic fatigue syndrome, fibromyalgia, Lyme disease and many autoimmune issues.(The most key factor for those of us impacted with severe protracted psychiatric drug withdrawal syndrome is that the nervous system can't tolerate the necessary detox until necessary time and initial care has been taken. For me that meant several years of nursing my nervous system with an uber clean diet, meditation, yoga, and very very slow detox with gentle agents generally not recommended by anyone who is into detox because detox at the stage I'm finally able to handle now and that I'm sharing is far too aggressive for those of us with a damaged nervous system from psych drugs) ...[click title to read more]